Mothers and families

From bump to baby and beyond: helping you and your baby have a healthy pregnancy and the best start to life.

pregnant women listening to iphone

The first 1,000 days

Pregnancy is an incredible time of change. Whether it was planned or came as a bit of a surprise, your health and the health of your baby is of the utmost importance. So why are the first 1,000 days of life so critical?

The first 1,000 days, from conception to age two, are considered the most significant in your child’s development. The care you give your baby, and the care health professionals give you, has more influence on your child’s future than at any other time in their life. Of course, these are also the most challenging days for you as a parent!

Bump2Baby and Me trial

At the heart of the Bump2Baby and Me project is a trial to test two different ways to provide women with support and information. Women involved in the trial will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. The trial will enable us to collect a wide variety of information on the health of mothers and babies involved but also how the study fitted within current maternity services and what women thought about it.

What to expect as a participant?

If you are taking part in the Bump2Baby and Me trial, the timeline below explains what research you can expect to be involved in during your pregnancy and then following the birth of your baby.


Trial journey - pregnancy

From birth to baby’s first birthday

Trial journey - postnatal

Download our study participant newsletter

mum and baby

Your health

A healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle are very important for you and your baby’s health, especially in the first 1,000 days, so we want to make sure you know where to go for reliable guidance online, during pregnancy and beyond. Visit the website links below for evidence-based support around healthy eating, physical activity, breastfeeding and sleeping.


Other Resources