University of Granada

The University of Granada (UGR) is an innovative and comprehensive research University, founded in 1531, and built on a long-standing teaching tradition. UGR is one of the largest and historically academic centres in Spain, ranking in the very top group of Spanish Universities in teaching and research. The Department of Paediatrics has one of the best Paediatric Nutrition Programmes in Spain, with respect to research, training and impact on policy and practice. The Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology within Granada’s BioHealth Institute, and the Department of Computational Sciences and Artificial Intelligence are among the best in the world. Furthermore, the Departments of Experimental Psychology and Clinical Neuropsychology, the Institute of Neurosciences and the “Brain, Mind and Behaviour Centre”, have worked closely with the Paediatrics Department for many years on numerous projects and can offer important support for patients’ attrition to the project.

In the Bump2Baby and Me project, the University of Granada will contribute to research activities across all work packages and translate the App content into Spanish. It is also responsible for the recruitment, randomisation and follow-up at all clinical sites in Spain.

Professor Cristina Campoy

Principal Investigator (PI)

Cristina is a Paediatrician, Neonatologist and Master in Endocrinology & Nutrition. She is Director of the EURISTIKOS Excellence Centre for Paediatric Research sited in the Biomedical Centre for Research (CIB) of the Health Science Technological Park (PTS) of Granada, conducting large clinical trials and leading laboratory-based studies. She was co-ordinator of the FP7 EU funded consortia NUTRIMENTHE project between 2008 and 2013, is coordinator of the Excellence project PREOBE, a Principal Investigator in NIGOHealth and COGNIS studies, and a partner in the EU FP7 EarlyNutrition and H2020 DynaHEALTH projects. Cristina is also a member of The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on Nutrition, the Early Nutrition Academy (ENA), The Spanish Royal Academy of Nutrition and Food Sciences, member of the Doctor Oloriz Neurosciences Institute, and of the Biohealth Sciences Institute of Granada. Her role in the Bump project is to lead Granada activities in Work Packages 1 to 6.


Dr Mercedes G Bermúdez

Clinical Site Coordinator

Mercedes is Senior Research Scientist at the Department of Paediatrics, School of Medicine, University of Granada (UGR), and has more than 15 years of experience working in international research institutes and consortia. Her current research is focused on genetic, metabolic and nutritional aspects of growth and obesity development in children in European birth cohorts. She has collaborated as Clinical Research Scientist in intervention studies, such as NIGO-Health RCT and the COGNIS Study, national projects such as SMARTFOODS and the EU projects EarlyNutrition and DynaHEALTH. In the Bump2Baby and Me project, Mercedes is the Clinical Site Coordinator at the Hospital Universitario San Cecilio in Granada, one of the four trial sites in the project. Aside from that, she collaborates in the NUTRENVIGEN Masters Program at UGR's School of Medicine as part of the examining board of final projects developed by alumni. In addition, she has been awarded with honors and distinctions in different prestigious national and international congresses.
