Bump2Baby and Me Trial
Learn more about the trial and how it worked, which countries it took place in and the key expected outcomes.
is a five-and-a-half-year project with an innovative approach to help promote maternal and child health. The focus of the project is to undertake a randomised controlled trial to test a novel healthcare intervention during pregnancy and the first year after birth. This intervention potentially offers a modern solution to the growing health challenges of obesity and diabetes.
Learn moreHaving a baby changes people’s lives but this change should be a positive one that promotes the long-term health of both mother and child. Gestational diabetes is the most common complication a woman will experience in pregnancy, and it has a significant impact on health service costs. Around one in seven pregnant women will experience gestational diabetes and it can seriously affect their future health and that of their children. The risks are clear:
Put simply, the health system cannot cope with the growing demands that gestational diabetes is placing on it and a change in approach is needed.
Project aim
The Bump2Baby and Me project aims to develop and evaluate a cost-effective, evidence-based healthcare intervention to help prevent maternal and child diabetes, overweight and obesity and other non-communicable associated diseases.
“One in two pregnancies now have obesity or overweight issues, which are strongly linked to a risk of developing diabetes in the mother and children. We are therefore excited to work on research that will make a positive contribution to society.”
Sharleen O’Reilly, Project Coordinator
UCD is the Project Coordinator and the leader of WP6, WP7 and WP9.
The University of Copenhagen is leading WP4 and WP5, developing training resources and monitoring the running of the research trial.
Deakin University are contributing to WP2, co-creation of the app, and the project evaluation in WP8.
The University of Bristol is the UK trial site and will lead the implementation planning work for the EU study.
Monash University is leading WP1 and the clinical lead for the Australian trial site.
Liva is WP2 leader and is responsible for the creation and development of the Bump2Baby and Me app.
Beta is leading WP8, coordinating all communication, dissemination and exploitation activity for the project.
The University of Granada will contribute to research activities across all work packages and translate the app content into Spanish.
Aarhus University’s main role is to supporting activities related to health literacy, and support the dissemination of health literacy results.